The Translator in brief :
Hassan Hegazy
An Egyptian Poet and Translator .
Hassan Hegazy , Egypt, born in 16-7-1960, Graduated from Zagazig University in 1982, got his BA, in English language and its fields, Education and Arts , a member in The Arab Union For Internet Writers and a member in the Egyptian Translators and Linguists' Association Cairo,
Egypt .
Published six poetic collections .
He translated :
1-Awhoop of Scent . a potry collection for : Asmae’ Saqr Al- Qassimi . U.A .E . Emirate. .
2-- Seven ages For Man . ( selected poems from English poetry to Arabic language ).
3-- Under Warm Sun : Short stories, for the Tunisian Writer: Ibraheem Draghouthy ,
4-- Travelling In the Shadows of Eternity, a poetry collection , for Mohamed Bouhouch, A poet from Tunisia .
5- Whispers from the other side of the world : A poetry collection for 15 Arab poets from different parts of the Arab world .
6- Bleeding Under Sand : Very Short Stories . Hassan Ali Al-Battran/ Saudi Arabia .
7- Concerning the Book that is the Body of the Beloved. Gregory Orr . American poet .